I've encountered many other troubles in the past trying to do this in the 
lab.Lat time I tried it NSR broke?!? I agree this should be pretty standard 
stuff but it seems to break lots of features. 

We tend to put everything in inet.0 and point static routes out fxp0 for any 
traffic initiated by the RE. For requests inbound to the RE, we NAT the source 
on the routers used as the gateway off fxp0. That way all inbound requests look 
like they're from gateway. No return routes required.


 From: Klaus Groeger <kla...@gmail.com>
To: Juniper NSP <juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net> 
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2013 11:23:20 AM
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] SNMP on logical-system fxp0


the fxp0 interface is bound to the RE, witch always resides in the first 
logical system and ist bound to the default routing table or master table, 
which is inet.0. All route lookups regarding the RE start in inet.0.

Just put all your productive interfaces in a separate virtual router and you 
are done. 


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