On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 03:09:16PM -0700, Bill Blackford wrote:
> I am interested in hearing any feedback about the EX2200. In particular,
> anyone who has done a recent enterprise deployment in a converged and in
> particular, a mixed vendor environment.

I've used the EX2200's, and aside from the "limited" features compared
to the rest of the EX line, they operate exactly the same, just missing
a couple things that are mentioned in the datasheets. Although they 
recently (12.x) brought Virtual Chassis to it, I haven't done that yet. 

As to mixed vendor, you'd have to state what protocols you are
expecting in a mixed vendor? They do STP and RSTP just fine. They
won't do cisco proprietary protocols, such as CDP or VDP. They have
standards based proprotocols that are equivilent. I've done OSPF and
BGP (still accounting for all switches have limited BGP route space)
with no issues.

Overall, I've had much less problems with the Juniper switches (aside
from some bad releases, especially on the EX4550 line) than my cisco
switches all around. I have had some wonkiness getting especially old
cisco software talking, but the problem has always been on the cisco side.
Usually upgrading the cisco to newer code solved their bugs (ie. LACP). 

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