There are two or three places where you will find a mapping between
MAC and IP address.  Then from the MAC you can find the port.

The main one is in the ARP table of the router for that subnet.  The
router could be the EX2200 itself or a different device in the
network.  If the router runs Junos:

show arp hostname a.b.c.d

The second place is in the DHCP server's lease database if the client
is using DHCP to acquire its IP address.  If the DHCP server is
running on the EX:

show dhcp server binding a.b.c.d

A possible third place is in the DHCP binding table if you are using
DHCP Snooping on the EX:

show dhcp snooping binding | match a.b.c.d 

The nice thing about DHCP Snooping is it will enforce clients to use
DHCP, so they can't type in any old IP address which could possibly be
a duplicate or unassigned address.

On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 11:22:37AM +0000, Evangelos Kanarelis wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I am relatively new to networking and I am currently managing a few EX2200 
> switches.
> I need to find to which port a machine is connected to, but all I have is an 
> IP Address. I know that I can use show ethernet-switching table brief but 
> unfortunately I do not have the MAC address.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you
> Angelo Kanarelis
> Infrastructure Support Engineer
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