Le 10/11/2014 21:18, Hugo Slabbert a écrit :

Correct. I think I see Rafael's issue, though. He has a mix of predominantly MPLS (probably L3VPN) customers that terminate L3 on the EX, which can handle that because that's internal routes only, not full tables. He also has a few transit customers coming through the EX, though. The EX (unlike the MX) can't handle a mix of L2 and L3 on the same port. His MX-EX touchdown is currently L3 on the EX in order to support his MPLS customers. He would need that EX port in L2 in order to carry customer VLANs through to the MX. If he does that, though, he'd need his L3 on the EX on VLAN interfaces, and per his comment:

That's exactly my use case.

...that's apparently not supported, which means his MPLS customer setup would break in order to support switching his transit customers through the EX to the MX.

Yes, and I have very few transit customers compared to my 'l3vpn' customers.

I haven't done the L2VPN setup to LTs that you're working with, Rafael, so I can't help you out there. An alternative may be to move your L3 and MPLS config from the EX to the MX, but that has a bunch of downsides (loads up your 10G link with additional traffic that would have been only on the EX's backplane before; maintenance hit for moving all of the config; changes topology; more load on the MX80; etc).

Yep moving my L3 and MPLS config to the MX is not an option. The main reason is because my EX are double attached to two MX. I can handle the lost of one EX with no problem (aside my transit cust, but that is marginal).

Aside from that, I'll bow out for someone that might have worked with the LT setup you're attempting.

It's frustrating because I think I'm very close, since the L2vpn/L2circuit comes up. I will try to capture the traffic to see what happen (some encapsulation problem). And even if the correct solution is to force my transit customer to use ebgp multihop, I need this plan B solution for some customers I cannot contact (sigh)...

Raphael Mazelier

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