As was explained to me a while back, the MPC3E has ~120gbit of capacity.

But the devil was in how that capcity is shared between the two MIC slots.

When you have two active MICs that capacity is divided equally between the
two MICs: 50/50% or ~60/60gbps. It is NOT a case of operate one card at
full whack and only use a couple of ports on the other.

If you plan to put in a second 10x10 MIC then you'll have to shuffle your
circuits around to balance them across the two MICs too.

And if you need all wire speed ports then you need the 16x10G MPC3, and
only use 3 ports of each PIC.

On 30 November 2014 at 23:22, Robert Hass <> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm currently using MPC3E with one 10x10GE MICs in my MX480 and MX960
> routers.
> I need to add 10GE ports, if I will put second 10x10GE MIC in existing
> MPC3E what will be oversubscribe rate ? I'm not sure but docs says about
> 200Gbps for MPC3E then It should be wire-speed if docs claims full-duplex
> or 1:2 if docs claims half-duplex.
> What is best solution (from price point of view) to have 16 x 10GE in 1
> slot on MX480/MX960 ? MPC3E + 10x10GE MICs or something different ?
> Rob
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