On 24 August 2015 at 13:15, James Bensley <jwbens...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey James,

> However the MX80 hasn't got "output-vlan-map" configured as Saku pointed out.
> Even without that configured, my understanding is that it should at
> least PoP the dummy VLAN, unless it doesn't support VC type 4
> properly? So the 3101 tag should be being popped unless it somehow
> knows that isn't the dummy VLAN tag (maybe because it's not 0?).

Actually JNPR won't do any VLAN manipulation on CCC ports by default.
Only reason it works, is because Cisco end had same VLAN number and
Cisco was reinjecting the same SVLAN number, even though config was
'pop symmetric', which probably isn't 100% guaranteed/stable behaviour
(I know ES+ in 7600 will push the internal VLAN instead).

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