On 1 December 2015 at 17:29, Stepan Kucherenko <t...@megagroup.ru> wrote:
> My biggest gripe with ASR9k (or IOS XR in particular) is that Cisco stopped
> grouping BGP prefixes in one update if they have same attributes so it's one
> prefix per update now (or sometimes two).
> Transit ISP we tested it with pinged TAC and got a response that it's
> "software/hardware limitation" and nothing can be done.
> I don't know when this regression happened but now taking full feed from
> ASR9k is almost twice as slow as taking it from 7600 with weak RE and 3-4
> times slower than taking it from MX.
> I'm not joking, test it yourself. Just look at the traffic dump. As I
> understand it, it's not an edge case so you must see it as well.
> In my case it was 450k updates per 514k prefixes for full feed from ASR9k,
> 89k updates per 510k prefixes from 7600 and 85k updates per 516k prefixes
> from MX480. Huge difference.
> It's not a show stopper but I'm sure it must be a significant impact on
> convergence time.

How long timewise is it taking you to converge?

Last time I bounced a BGP session to a full table provider it took sub
1 minute to take in all the routes. I wasn't actually timing so I
don't know how long exactly.

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