Luke Flemington writes:
>The Junos configuration file is also represented as an XML file.

Just to be clear, the JUNOS config database is a object database.  The
objects are describes by data models in such a way that we can render
them into XML, but the database is not an XML database.  It's a fine
detail, but I just wanted to be precise.  This setup allows us to
render into other formats as well, including the normal braces-based
text or "set" format:

phil@rtr> show configuration | display ?
Possible completions:
  changed              Tag changes with junos:changed attribute (XML only)
  commit-scripts       Show data after commit scripts have been applied
  detail               Show configuration data detail
  inheritance          Show inherited configuration data and source group
  json                 Show output in JSON format
  max-depth            Maximum depth of configuration data
  omit                 Emit configuration statements with the 'omit' option
  rfc5952              Display IPv6 addresses as per RFC 5952 specifications
  set                  Show 'set' commands that create configuration
  xml                  Show output as XML tags

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