> Maybe you missed the VMX getting started guide....
> http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/en_US/vmx15.1f4/information-products/pathway
> -pages/getting-started/vmx-gsg-vmware.html
Thanks for this hint. Finally these guide looks What I'm looking for
regarding documentation.
But still TGZ package doesn't have files which I'm looking and above guide
referring them - *.vmdk files :(

Page 24:
Table 7: vMX Package Contents

vmdk/jinstall64-vmx*.vmdk Software image file for VCP.
vmdk/vmxhdd.vmdk Software image file for VCP file storage.
vmdk/metadata_usb.vmdk Virtual hard disk with bootstrapping information

Look what we have in F4 vMX TGZ from juniper.net

~/download$ ls -la *.tgz
-rw------- 1 robert users 1561459359 Dec 29 06:36 vmx-15.1F4.15.tgz
~/download$ tar zxf vmx-15.1F4.15.tgz
~/download$ cd vmx-15.1F4-3
~/download/vmx-15.1F4-3$ find ./ -type f | wc -l
~/download/vmx-15.1F4-3$ find ./ -type f | grep vmdk

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