Hi Mike,

An MX104 can certainly give you all those features. Be aware CGNAT needs an
MS-MIC and flow exports require a license.

You might be able to get the base bundle under $20k but add the extras and
it will be over.

Mike G

On 10 April 2018 at 11:45, <mike+j...@willitsonline.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
>     I am looking for some advice concerning juniper as an edge router.
>     I see there is a terrific amount of used mx104 and mx240 out there
> and the specs all seem great. What I'm looking to do is have 2x 10g
> feeds, route bgp, do flow exporting, and do a certain amount of ingress
> filtering to protect the network from ddos.Id even like to do cgnat for
> up to 5000 users but not sure if a single box setup would be wise.
>     I just don't have a handle on the various juniper platforms and
> route engine options. Love to keep this under $20,000 and get a load of
> 10g interfaces. Anyone here can tell me what I should be looking for?
> Mike-
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