
On 10/04/2018 11:07 AM, Chris via juniper-nsp wrote:
I also have some vMX's deployed (they are running on top of Dell R740's with 3 x Intel X710 cards to give 12 x 10G interfaces). The painful part on getting the vMX to work was the host setup with KVM - the documents are severly lacking on Junipers side (but I have written up the exact instructions to get the most recent 18.1R1 release working on CentOS with no issues).

I have received more than a couple of requests for the guide, if anyone else interested here is the steps I used for Ubuntu and CentOS as the host OS with KVM:


My guides are assuming that you are deploying a server with SR-IOV using the Intel x710 family of NIC's. The CentOS 7.4 guide was written a few days ago as I went through the install process from scratch for 18.1 to finally move all of the hosts I have the vMX deployed on away from Ubuntu to CentOS (personally I prefer Ubuntu but the old versions of things that are required don't give me confidence and I have had the odd kernel panic with Ubuntu running the vMX).

I also have the startup scripts (systemd for CentOS and init for Ubuntu) included for the vMX so it will start on boot; surprisingly Juniper doesn't give any instructions. I didn't have time to mess with selinux on CentOS to get the systemd startup script to work so I disabled it (the host is dedicated to the vMX anyyway); if you do figure out a way to get it working I would love to know. Happy to help as well if you run into any issues deploying it.
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