Lukas, I am learning and continue to learn and continue to ask questions even 
if I thought I understood it before and realize maybe I don't understand it the 
way that I did previously... factor into that bad memory, getting older, 
forgetting, then what you have is a human.

This issue is my turning up new MX960's that are simply connected together with 
Ciena 6500 DWDM.... for me to have an MTU issue via DWDM is actually a surprise 
to me.  I pretty much always envisioned wave/lamda dwdm as darn near like 
having an actual fiber cable... no, not the case apparently... I'm surprised 
that the ciena dwdm service in this case is actually imposing an Ethernet mtu 
limitation !  wow, the more I think on it, the more I'm surprised about it... 
previously my older asr9k 15-node mpls ring was via fujitsu flashwave dwdm and 
I don't recall this occurring 

So... with all that said, I asked more MTU questions

Back in November the triple posting was an emergency given that I actually had 
cell towers down! And I needed help asap ... and I trust and appreciate the 
level of expertise/real-world experience I get from my x-nsp/nanog 
mail-lists... and yes I also started a PRI-1 (net down) TAC case, but you guys 
usually out-do the TACs!  ....feel the love ?

I typically am more focused with my postings to the appropriate mail list, but 
when cell towers are down, I do what I gotta do !

Hope we are still cool brother  :)


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