Sometimes carriers protect optical circuits using inexpensive optical
switches that have longer switching delays (>50ms). In these cases I'd
understand their request for a longer hold-time. But 3 seconds is a lot.

On Wed, 15 Aug 2018 at 20:02 Jonathan Call <> wrote:

> Anyone have experience with hold timers?
> For the first time in my experience I have a carrier asking me to
> implement 3 second hold timers on their interface to deal with their link
> constantly flapping. They're citing this document as proof that it needs to
> be done:
> I'm extremely dubious of this requirement since I've never had a carrier
> ask for this and our router is a pretty old MX80 which does not have a lot
> of buffer space.  But then again, maybe packet drops due to buffer overflow
> are better than carrier transitions and the resulting BGP teardown and
> rebuild.
> Regards,
> Jonathan
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