On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 01:33, Jason Taranto <jason.tara...@vocus.com.au> wrote:
> Hi All,
> After a while of my head colliding with the wall beside me, would anyone know 
> how to get a variable into an rpc command via pyez.
> My latest attempt is below.
>   r2check = raw_input("Route to check e.g XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX : ")
>   print ("Checking if route is in the table......")
>   time.sleep(2)
>   r2response = dev.rpc.get_route_information(table='inet.0', 
> destination='r2check')
>   time.sleep(2)
> print("################################################################################")
>   print("                                                                     
>            ")
>   print("                      Response from router below...                  
>            ")
>   print (etree.tostring(r2response))
> The error message I get is:
> jnpr.junos.exception.RpcError: RpcError(severity: error, bad_element: 
> r2check, message: could not resolve name: r2check)

Hi Jason,

Someone with more knowledge than I has already provided some info to
you, I just wanted to point out you could also join this Slack
channel: https://networktocode.slack.com

There are rooms for Python, Juniper, Cisco, Ansible, Salt and many
others all relating to network coding and automation. It's a good
place to get help with your network coding issues if you didn't know
about it already.

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