Fantastic news Aaron!

That tallies with our experience of deploying the 'bundle' version of OpenNTI 
for Junos ST.

We look forward to your shared experiences as you kick the tyres and - 
hopefully - incorporate this into your NMS/procedures. :)

Many thanks,

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Gould []
Sent: 11 October 2018 13:59
Cc: James Burnett <>; Niall Donaghy 
<>; 'Colton Conor' <>
Subject: RE: [j-nsp] Junos Telemetry Interface (JTI)

Wanted to circle back with y'all... I finally got this working...thanks to 
techmocha10 (see below) and my linux coworker genius (Dave),

I'll just copy/paste a post I just made...

I got telemetry streaming working using this site ... I have a couple MX960's 
streaming telemetry to the suite of software provided in this Open-NTI project 
spoken of on this techmocha blog site.  I think my previous problems were 
related to conflicting installs.... as myself and my coworker had loaded 
individual items and then the open-nti suite (which i understand is a docker 
container with all the items like grafana, fluentd, chronograf, influxdb, 
etc).... anyway, we started with a fresh install Ubunto virtual machine and 
*only* loaded Open-NTI and it works.

I do not know or understand all of the innerworkings of it at this point, but 
am quickly learning, even while writing this post... I'm currently using 
Chronograf hosted at port 8888 and browsing the Data Explorer function and 
seeing some nice graphs.  (I'm wondering if Chrongraf is simply an alternative 
to Grafana gui front end, unsure) There seems to be tons of items to monitor 
and analyze, and I'm currently only sending the following sensor resource from 
the MX960 and there are several more that can be sent.... 

I am sending the telemetry from the MX960 using UDP transport and GPB format 
to port 50000 and source port 21111 (mx960-1) and 21112 (mx960-2).  I'm unsure 
that I had to use unique source ports... as I wonder if the source-ip would 
have been sufficient to make the streaming sources unique in the Open-NTI 

Looking at the techmocha pictures, and the "docker ps" command on the linux 
server, and now this new-found techmocha link (see "deconstructed" below) 
apparently FluentD is the TSDB (time series db) that is receiving/ingesting 
the *Native* streaming form of telemetry from my MX960's on udp port 50000 and 
looks like fluentd hands off that data to InfluxDB port 8086 (which i think 
happens internally at that server).  (I'm not evening talking about the other 
form of jti telemetry using openconfig and grpc....I've yet to do that and 
don't know why I would exactly...which i beleive is ingested using telegraf, 

...the link i followed to deploy open-nti suite....

...interestingly, i just now found this, which apparently is a way of 
deploying all the components individually...

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