:) You both make fair points for sure.

It seems to be a trend in the industry when it comes to documentation to
Usually silly reasons, but I've been just as guilty as the next person over
the years in constructing an argument about why we need to remember one
esoteric bit of knowledge about the config on that platform we haven't had
in use since the early Obama administration.

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 6:11 PM Niall Donaghy <niall.dona...@geant.org>

> @Tom: Oh sure, hardlinks are rife and a HTTP 301 might be a bit crude.
> I favour what Chris suggests.
> Getting rather too involved in this no doubt ... but I wonder how we are
> all
> defining 'deprecated'.
> My dictionary says 'in the process of being replaced' --- which I take to
> mean (employing the principle of least surprise) that during the process it
> will work until the replacement arrives, at which point it will be
> decommissioned, retired, removed, dereferenced. For me that means not just
> firewalling off 21/tcp or stopping the service, but clearly stating in the
> documentation that $thing is dead.
> Surely I'm procrastinating with such pedantry here. =)  :D
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Cappuccio [mailto:ch...@nmedia.net]
> Sent: 19 December 2018 22:18
> To: Tom Beecher <beec...@beecher.cc>
> Cc: Niall Donaghy <niall.dona...@geant.org>; Juniper List
> <juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net>; pasv...@gmail.com; Saku Ytti <s...@ytti.fi>
> Subject: Re: [j-nsp] ftp.juniper.net
> Tom Beecher [beec...@beecher.cc] wrote:
> > Lots of people (for better or for worse) may have hard linked /
> > referenced
> > KB15585 in their documentation, so IMO it's a good idea to leave it up
> > with a bolded note of depreciation, which is what they did.
> >
> Just erase the rest of the KB after this text:
> NOTE:  Use of FTP is deprecated, large file uploads for cases should
> instead
> use the SSH FTP (SFTP) process described in KB23337 - How to upload large
> files to a JTAC Case.
> Problem solved.
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