
On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 1:54 PM Richard McGovern via juniper-nsp
<juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net> wrote:
> Nathan, I am not sure what you want to hear, or what would make you 
> satisfied, but YES Juniper [IT?] did screw-up, and a restore from back-up 
> was/is not possible.  So this situation is now being worked on, unfortunately 
> at a not so fast pace.  I hope you decide to stay with Juniper, as I feel 
> there are far worse things one could be concerned about than this.

You're downplaying the issue with the wrong arguments imho. For a lot
of us it is an important tool in our daily routine and in fact
offloads work from both our (operational/design) teams -and- yours.
I'm willing to bet the amount of time JTAC and local account teams
have had and are going to spend on customer queries due to the tool
being unavailable, far outweighs the cost of a small team of
developers to fix this within a few weeks.
And yes, agreed, mistakes are a fact of life, that's how we all
(hopefully) learn to improve. But why it takes 6+ months to fix
something as seemingly trivial as this is beyond me.

And yes, we and many others have bitched and moaned about it to our
local account teams, including the whole website layout and
accessibility to key technical information getting worse and worse on
every iteration. The account team agrees, confirms they receive the
same feedback from other customers, they relay the feedback to the
people in charge, and a few days later we get the next "new and
improved" website infested with even more marketing B/S... To me these
are some of the signs the company isn't prioritising correctly and
isn't truly listening to its customers.

Luckily your competitors aren't doing much better ;-)

BR, Daniƫl.
juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp@puck.nether.net

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