Interim followup:

This is probably the bestpath to follow, but I have not been able to make the RPM probes work. I’ll follow that up in a separate thread.

Once that is cleared, there will be a final followup


On 10 Jun 2019, at 21:18, Per Westerlund wrote:

Thanks, good suggestion.

Haven’t used that before. Given that input, this is what I will try:

- Add a dummy linknet to each tunnel interface, since RPM and IP-monitoring works with addresses and not interfaces directly - Use two RPM-probes on the primary links to be able to have independent failure tests - Use one IP-monitoring policy matching on both RPM-probes, so I can change routing as soon as one of the two links fail


PS: Results will be reported once I’m done

On 10 Jun 2019, at 16:34, Hansen, Christoffer wrote:

On 10/06/2019 09:44, wrote:
I know that almost anything can be solved with event-scripts triggered by link-up/down for st0.X, but that kind of configuration is somewhat
hidden, and also probably difficult to get completely correct.

Either the event-scripts triggering you wan to initially avoid or
alternatively change to do dynamic routing between the sites?

Static routes with Remote Probe Monitoring is my suggestion.


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