> Gustavo Santos
> Sent: Monday, April 6, 2020 4:06 PM
> Hi,
> We have a MX10003 as peering router with over 400 BGP sessions. Last week
> we had to change MTU from one Interface and after change, the router took
> about 20 minutes to advertise routes some of our transit providers.
> Is there a way to prioritize advertisement on some BGP sessions above
> others? I tried the
> https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/topic-
> map/bgp-route-prioritization.html
The feature you mentioned is used to say first send L3VPN routes before
L2VPN routes when talking to a given peer. 
I'm not aware of any such mechanism to say peer should be served
first and then peer should be next, etc...

> The question is if there is a way to work around this change that
Wondering if it was due to some slow peer(s)
Not sure if juniper BGP works similarly to cisco BGP in this area (but
considering the differences in update groups between the two it might very
well NOT be the case)
But cisco has the following to address slow peers holding down the whole
update group more info at:
Could not find how Juniper deals with slow peers (other than manually carve
them up into a separate update group) or whether that's even an issue in



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