? " For MX/SRX (and I assume PTX and maybe ACX - don't much deal with those 
products ) xe is ONLY name allowed" ?

I see otherwise...

MX... MPC7E-MRATE (however et is the name for 40 gig and 100 gig) xe is also 
used, but with colon notation)
Physical interface: xe-0/1/5:3, Enabled, Physical link is Down
  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, MRU: 1522, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 10Gbps, 
BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None,

Physical interface: et-1/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
  Link-level type: Flexible-Ethernet, MTU: 9216, MRU: 9224, Speed: 40Gbps, BPDU 
Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None,

Physical interface: et-1/0/2, Enabled, Physical link is Down
  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, MRU: 1522, Speed: 100Gbps, BPDU Error: 
None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None,

ACX.... has ge, ex, and et (got 1, 10 and 40 gig)
user1@my5048> show system information
Model: acx5048
Family: junos
Junos: 17.4R2-S11
Hostname: my5048
ge-0/0/10               up    up
ge-0/0/10.0             up    up   inet
xe-0/0/25               up    up
xe-0/0/25.0             up    up   aenet    --> ae5.0
et-0/0/48               up    up
et-0/0/48.0             up    up   aenet    --> ae42.0


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