
It is possible  - basically, you should have an almost identical
configuration for aaa and dhcp server in both routing contexts.

krasi@test>show subscribers
Interface             IP Address/VLAN ID                      User Name
demux0.3221225528      1444
demux0.3221225529                             retail

Underlying (vlan based demux) interface for the dhcp subscriber is bound to
"default:default" routing context:
krasi@test> show subscribers client-type dhcp address detail
|match under
Underlying Interface: demux0.3221225528

while the subscriber is terminated in "default:retail" routing context (as
specified by radius).

Debug confirms the move of route context:
 Apr 29 15:38:53.798056
cedb_entry_rc_update_required: Client 65618 needs to be moved from INET
routing instance default:default to INET routing instance default:retail
Apr 29 15:38:53.798063
cedb_entry_rc_update: Moved client 65618 from routing instance
default:default to routing instance default:retail
Apr 29 15:38:53.798068
cedb_entry_rc_update: wholesale routing instance default:default number of
wholesale clients moved out : 1, retail routing instance default:retail
number of wholesale clients moved in :1

Best Regards,

On Wed, 28 Apr 2021 at 05:54, Fraser McGlinn <fra...@frizianz.com> wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> I’ve got a requirement from a customer where they are needing to terminate
> multiple different subscribers on the same layer 2 domain (delivered via a
> last mile provider that doesn't support unique vlan per subscriber,
> retarded I know!) into different routing instances via IP based demux.
> I’ve got the IP Based demux stuff working fine with triggers via DHCP,
> however this seems to only work for a single RI and just errors out with:
> Apr 27 22:36:26.755944 [MSTR][WARN]
> [default:default][SVR][INET][xe-0/0/1.3558][SID=201546]
> cedb_entry_rc_update_required: Required move of client 142407 from routing
> instance default:default to routing instance default:cgnat is invalid.
> Client's incoming interface config in wholesale(0x9fff98d8) or retail(0)
> INET routing context could not be retrieved.
> Apr 27 22:36:26.755996 [MSTR][INFO]
> [default:default][SVR][INET][xe-0/0/1.3558][SID=201546]
> jdhcpd_local_server_auth_request_ack_common: Invalid
> logical-system/routing-instance supplied during authentication, dropping
> This seems expected based on my experience with VLAN based demux where you
> have to drop the first dip of the double dip auth into the new RI in order
> for DHCP to be running in the same RI as the subscriber is terminated in.
> So the problem I’m trying to solve is how to build the same style
> configuration as the double dip with dynamic VLANs but for a single shared
> switching domain with multiple subs.
> The topology is as follows:
> Subscribers, shared layer 2 domain in last mile provider -> MX on vlan
> 3558 -> demux per household -> IP interface
> I’ve tried playing around with line-identity auto-configure but I can’t
> seem to get it working at all. Possible I’m trying to use it in the wrong
> way, the documentation seems to be missing bits of glue to tie all the
> concepts together.
> Has anyone else solved this problem? Is this even possible? I do
> understand that even if it is possible there are many pitfalls with this
> approach, its just the old have to fudge a solution based on requirements
> outside of your control. Naturally PPPoE works great in this instance, but
> anyhow requirements are pushing to at least try for IPOE.
> Cheers,
> Fraser
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