Hi Kevin, hallo Helmer,

--- "Kevin D. Kissell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Our of curiousity, I configured the MIPS/Linux interpretive kaffe
> > > with --disable-debug, for speed, and ran the Embedded CaffeieneMark
> > > benchmark.  Comparing the result with an equivalent 1.0.7-based build,
> > > we can see that a bunch of things have improved a little, some things
> > > have stayed the same, and that something has slowed down dramatically
> > > in string handling which more than cancells all the other improvements.
> > > 
> > > [ test results skipped ]
> > 
> > If you've got some time to waste, it'd be nice if you could
> > compare the performance of 1.0.7's System.arraycopy() with
> > the performance of 1.1.0's System.arraycopy() (nothing serious,
> > just create a huge array and measure how long it takes to
> > copy that array).
> Before going through the hassle of rebuilding/re-installing to
> try your experiment, I thought I'd look at the code.  Jeez.
> No wonder.  In 1.0.7, System.arraycopy() was a native
> method, defined in libraries/clib/native/System.c, which used
> the platform's memmov/memcpy functions.  Now
> it's a Java implementation.  Certainly easier to maintain
> that way, but it's unsurprising if it's more than 5 times slower.

Here are my results:

bash-2.05a$ java -version
java version "1.4.0_01"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0_01-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0_01-b03, mixed mode)

bash-2.05a$ java CaffeineMarkEmbeddedApp
Sieve score = 11584 (98)
Loop score = 76809 (2017)
Logic score = 66846 (0)
String score = 42014 (708)
Float score = 38244 (185)
Method score = 26566 (166650)
Overall score = 36935

bash-2.05a$ /tmp/topic/install-1. CaffeineMarkEmbeddedApp
install-1.0.7-i386-linux-jit3  install-1.1.0-i386-linux-jit3
bash-2.05a$ /tmp/topic/install-1.0.7-i386-linux-jit3/bin/kaffe -version
Kaffe Virtual Machine

Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Kaffe.org project contributors (please see
  the source code for a full list of contributors).  All rights reservced.
Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.

The Kaffe virtual machine is free software, licensed under the terms of
the GNU General Public License.  Kaffe.org is a an independent, free software
community project, not directly affiliated with Transvirtual Technologies,
Inc.  Kaffe is a Trademark of Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.  Kaffe comes

Engine: Just-in-time v3   Version: 1.0.7   Java Version: 1.1

bash-2.05a$ /tmp/topic/install-1.0.7-i386-linux-jit3/bin/kaffe
Sieve score = 29624 (98)
Loop score = 86471 (2017)
Logic score = 46675 (0)
String score = 7079 (708)
Float score = 15077 (185)
Method score = 27304 (166650)
Overall score = 26526

bash-2.05a$ /tmp/topic/install-1.0.7-i386-linux-jit3/bin/kaffe
Sieve score = 29146 (98)
Loop score = 86236 (2017)
Logic score = 46755 (0)
String score = 7068 (708)
Float score = 15366 (185)
Method score = 27154 (166650)
Overall score = 26503

bash-2.05a$ /tmp/topic/install-1.0.7-i386-linux-jit3/bin/kaffe
Sieve score = 29546 (98)
Loop score = 86266 (2017)
Logic score = 46881 (0)
String score = 7064 (708)
Float score = 14690 (185)
Method score = 27308 (166650)
Overall score = 26400

bash-2.05a$ /tmp/topic/install-1.1.0-i386-linux-jit3/bin/kaffe -version
Kaffe Virtual Machine

Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Kaffe.org project contributors (please see
  the source code for a full list of contributors).  All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2002 Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.

The Kaffe virtual machine is free software, licensed under the terms of
the GNU General Public License.  Kaffe.org is a an independent, free software
community project, not directly affiliated with Transvirtual Technologies,
Inc.  Kaffe is a Trademark of Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.  Kaffe comes

Engine: Just-in-time v3   Version: 1.1.0   Java Version: 1.1
bash-2.05a$ /tmp/topic/install-1.1.0-i386-linux-jit3/bin/kaffe
Sieve score = 28946 (98)
Loop score = 85950 (2017)
Logic score = 46798 (0)
String score = 3036 (708)
Float score = 19290 (185)
Method score = 27877 (166650)
Overall score = 23978

bash-2.05a$ /tmp/topic/install-1.1.0-i386-linux-jit3/bin/kaffe
Sieve score = 28415 (98)
Loop score = 86329 (2017)
Logic score = 46914 (0)
String score = 3075 (708)
Float score = 19404 (185)
Method score = 27852 (166650)
Overall score = 24003

bash-2.05a$ /tmp/topic/install-1.1.0-i386-linux-jit3/bin/kaffe
Sieve score = 28223 (98)
Loop score = 85631 (2017)
Logic score = 46675 (0)
String score = 3092 (708)
Float score = 19871 (185)
Method score = 27787 (166650)
Overall score = 24030

bash-2.05a$ sort -k 3 -g prof.out.107 | grep lang | tail
    399008    61.6131    61.6131          0  0.0199567 java/lang/Math.cos(D)D
    399008     63.319     63.319          0  0.0247932 java/lang/Math.sin(D)D
   1204686    889.254    100.046    789.207  0.0564053
     47923    122.975    104.673    18.3018   0.133254
   1204686    686.346    247.909    438.436   0.172281
    398920    2266.61    286.127    1980.49  0.0311805
   1659624    461.173    461.173          0  0.0186417
    398800    540.362    540.362          0  0.0348577
    398920       1945    1660.76     284.24   0.215495
         1    35.3215 1.28538e+09 -1.28538e+09  0.0949418

bash-2.05a$ sort -k 3 -g prof.out.110 | grep lang | tail
   3061200    130.774    130.774          0   0.025378
    147154    2290.63    136.783    2153.84  0.0444642
    147000    207.724    207.724          0  0.0345426
    612234    1805.98    947.763    858.216    1.17382
    147154    2132.92     1323.3    809.622   0.178774
        15   0.760965 1.28376e+09 -1.28376e+09  0.0399504
         2    6.40007 1.28376e+09 -1.28376e+09   0.143542
        23    27.7141 1.54052e+10 -1.54052e+10   0.276968
        23    3.75014 1.54052e+10 -1.54052e+10  0.0383629
        23    4.19702 1.54052e+10 -1.54052e+10   0.133207

on a 2.4ghz p4, running debian linux. so 1.0.7 arraycopy takes a total of
461.173 for 1659624 invocations, where 1.1.0's arraycopy takes a total of
1805.98 for 612234 invocations, i.e. 0.000277878 in 1.0.7 vs 0.0029498198 in

So Helmer, please feel free to revert the patch, whetever the performance gains
were that I saw back then, they are not here now. ;)

dalibor topic

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