In message "Re: [kaffe] KJC bug report: inner class cannot find the enclosing class's 
    on 03/08/13, Guilhem Lavaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have found where the bug lies ! In CMethod, the test for accessibility 
> forget to check whether the calling
> context is nested into an authorized class. I have attached the real 
> simple patch with this mail.

Thank you very much.

But I am sorry I forgot to report another case similar to the
previous one.  In this case, reference to a protected field
other than a method call concerns.

bash$ cat a/ 
package a;
public class A {
  protected String foo = "This is foo.";
bash$ cat b/
package b;
import a.A;
public class B extends A {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    (new B()).go();
  private void go() {
    (new B1()).bar();
  class B1 {
    private void bar() {
bash$ CLASSPATH=kjc.jar java at.dms.kjc.Main a/ b/ 
b\ error:Cannot find field "foo" [JLS 15.11]
bash$ javac a/ b/ 
bash$ java b.B
This is foo.

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