
The attached program shows that some pipes used for executing subprocesses
are not closed when they are no longer needed.  This will cause a
"too many open files" error in a long run.

I am afraid that FileDescriptor sync_fd in
libraries/javalib/kaffe/lang/UNIXProcess.java has something to do
with this problem.

import java.io.*;
public class TestProcess {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

      for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
        Process p = null;
        InputStream pi = null;
        InputStream pe = null;
        OutputStream po = null;
        try {
            p = (Runtime.getRuntime()).exec(args);
            pi = p.getInputStream();
            po = p.getOutputStream();
            pe = p.getErrorStream();
        finally {
            try {
                if (pi != null) pi.close();
            catch (Exception _) {}
            try {
                if (po != null) po.close();
            catch (Exception _) {}
            try {
                if (pe != null) pe.close();
            catch (Exception _) {}
      while (true) {}

bash$ kaffe TestProcess sh -c 'echo a' &
[1] 3193
bash$ ls -al /proc/3193/fd
total 0
dr-x------    2 ito      ito             0 Jun  7 13:39 .
dr-xr-xr-x    3 ito      ito             0 Jun  7 13:39 ..
lrwx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 0 -> /dev/pts/8
lrwx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 1 -> /dev/pts/8
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 13 -> pipe:[45332619]
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 14 -> pipe:[45332623]
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 15 -> pipe:[45332627]
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 16 -> pipe:[45332631]
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 17 -> pipe:[45332635]
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 18 -> pipe:[45332639]
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 19 -> pipe:[45332643]
lrwx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 2 -> /dev/pts/8
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 20 -> pipe:[45332647]
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 21 -> pipe:[45332651]
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 22 -> pipe:[45332655]
lr-x------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 3 -> pipe:[45332614]
l-wx------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 4 -> pipe:[45332614]
lr-x------    1 ito      ito            64 Jun  7 13:39 5 -> 

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