Or just come to the Software Bill of Materials room where peopl that
develop and do the tools for that are meeting right now :-)

On Sat, Feb 4, 2023 at 11:43 PM Adriaan de Groot <gr...@kde.org> wrote:

> On Saturday, 4 February 2023 20:58:30 CET Toni Asensi Esteve wrote:
> > Do you think that changing and reviewing too many changes every year is
> > worth it? What do you think that would be better?
> One of the best places *right now* to ask this question is the Legal &
> Licensing room at FOSDEM, in Brussels, where the top legal(-ish) bods are
> gathered. It is *certainly* not worth the effort to go through and touch
> all
> the years in one big commit at the start of the year. You may want to do
> it
> when doing meaningful commits, or when a new contributor shows up, but we
> can
> place a lot of trust in the revision-control system keeping track of this
> instead of editing a fragile text header.
> [ade]

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