On Friday 19 December 2014 09:23:29 Richard Hughes wrote:
> Hi all,
> My name is Richard Hughes, and I'm one of the guys behind the
> AppData/AppStream initiative. I've uploaded a page with the current
> AppStream metadata status for Fedora 22 -- quite a few KDE
> applications are missing easy-to-add things like desktop comments and
> keywords and some important apps are missing AppData and HiDPI icons.
> It's awesome so many KDE apps are shipping AppData already (61.9%!)
> and I'm hugely grateful for that, so we're really polishing things up
> now.
> The page is here (warning 964k HTML page!), and is updated nightly:
> https://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/screenshots/f22/matrix.html

Would be nice to get details about each validation result as well, if it's 
easy enough.
> I'd appreciate it if you could have a look there and check your
> application is green. If there are any false-positives or missing
> applications then please let me know. I'm also happy to answer
> questions about AppData files here or in private emails, although most
> questions are already covered in this mini-site:
> http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/appdata/

FYI: Just tried to validate kdevelop's appdata file on that page, but 
http://hughsient.no-ip.biz/validate.php is apparently down.

appstream-util doesn't seem to be available for my distro (Ubuntu 14.10) yet 
(going to check how to get it, though).

> Thanks!
> Richard
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Kevin Funk | kf...@kde.org | http://kfunk.org

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