On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 11:19 AM Carl Schwan <c...@carlschwan.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not really happy with how the KDE Apps Monthly Update is happening. I 
> understand why we moved away from the KDE Applications brand and announcement 
> but the current monthly update doesn't feel better, at least from a reader 
> perpective.
> My first complaint with it is that the announcements are synchronized with 
> the release of the release service. This means that the publications of an 
> app update are happening at a 'random' date every month. Example from the 
> last few announcements
> * Thu, 23 Apr 2020
> * Thu, 05 Mar 2020
> * Thu, 06 Feb 2020
> * Thu, 09 Jan 2020
> * Thu, 12 Dec 2019
> This is not great because it means that the time between updates is variables 
> and that it ties the monthly app update to the release services, something I 
> thought we were trying to move away for good reasons.

Could shifting to the announcement being made on a given day (say the
15th or 20th of each month) that summarises the various releases of
KDE Applications (Release Service or Extragear) that have been made in
the past month work?

> Another point I'm not happy with is that we include major version releases 
> but also some minor bugfix releases. This is not optimal because the 
> end-user/press is mostly interested in the new big releases with big changes 
> instead of boring small bugfix releases. I don't think bugfix releases are 
> not important but this is more interesting for distros and hardcore KDE fans 
> than the average users and the press. And I think the goal of the Apps 
> Monthly update was to be something to promote to the world. And the problem 
> is that if we were to not include minor releases, some month update would be 
> pretty much empty.
> And the last point I'm not happy with is that the current draft for the May 
> update contains an huge section about AppImages 
> (https://invent.kde.org/websites/kde-org-announcements-releases/-/blob/master/content/2020-05-apps-update/_index.md).
>  This feels wrong to me since AppImages is not a KDE project and I was 
> thinking that we didn't endorse any official ways to get our software.

I concur that the text about Appimages seems to promote Appimagehub
and it's associated services, even though those aren't KDE projects.

The only point Appimages should be mentioned is as a way for people to
get our software (alongside all the other ways, such as from their
distribution package manager, Flatpak, etc) as otherwise we're
conferring preference on a particular way of distributing software.

> But I'm not sure about what could be a better solution.
> Maybe using kde.org/announcements/releases as a place for apps who don't have 
> their own website/blog to do their announcements, so that we get multiples 
> posts per month instead of one big summary per month. This would resolve my 
> first complaint about having the announcement tied to the release service, 
> and also allows us to have the possibility to not mix minor and major release 
> announcements in one announcement.
> Any thoughts?
> Cheers,
> Carl


> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> Le mardi, mai 12, 2020 2:14 PM, Jonathan Riddell <j...@jriddell.org> a écrit :
> > If you have released any new applications this month do add a note into the 
> > apps update for May
> >
> > https://invent.kde.org/websites/kde-org-announcements-releases/-/blob/master/content/2020-05-apps-update/_index.md
> >
> > Or ping me with it
> >
> > Jonathan

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