Adriaan de Groot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 12 February 2007 06:24, Heino Tiedemann wrote:
>> while and since compiling the new kdebase (see UPDATING 20070210) in ports,
>> my amarok doas not play any ogg vorbis files.
>> But it play mp3.
>> Whts that?
> Check the dependencies when you built amarok and whatever engines it's using. 
> You may have lost the vorbis libraries somewhere in the update.

I have it! Solution: 

remove (or move away) ~/.xine

But, before I found this,  recompiled a lot

- portupgrade -f amarok
- portupgrade -f \*ogg\*
- portupgrade -f \*vorbis\*
- portupgrade -f \*xine\*

- I moved away all amarok config files from ~/.kde/share/config
- I moved the away database folder ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok

Not clear to mee ist this

The old one

| ls -lh ~/tmp/.xine/
| -rw-r--r--  1 rotkap  users    21K 12 Feb 18:34 catalog.cache
| -rw-r--r--  1 rotkap  users   8,9K 23 Sep  2004 config2
| -rw-r--r--  1 rotkap  users   362B 10 Feb 00:23 win32registry

The new, selfgenerated one:
| rincewind:/home/rotkap> ls -lh ~/.xine/
| -rw-r--r--  1 rotkap  users    22K 12 Feb 18:41 catalog.cache


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