in /proc/meminfo
I noticed LowTotal,LowFree entries are missing .
Can any one explain why those entries are not there.even HighTotal and
HighFree are missing.


On Sun, Jun 22, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Joris van Rantwijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello,
> My system recently started to act as if it is low on memory: much
> harddisk activity and relatively high usage of swap. I have not seen
> such behaviour before.
> The problem seems to persist even after stopping nearly all applications
> including the X server. I have not rebooted the machine yet, because
> I want to understand this situation before I destroy it.
> My question: What part of the system is using up my physical memory?
> Can anyone help me figure out this issue?
> Physical memory is 1 GB.
> I disabled swap just to make it easier to investigate this issue.
> My kernel is Linux for x86_64 with a 32-bit userland.
> Adding up all VSZ numbers from "ps auxw" gets me to about 75 MB,
> so I figure I should have lots and lots of free memory.
> But /proc/meminfo gives me:
> MemTotal:     996320 kB
> MemFree:       67708 kB
> Buffers:       17716 kB
> Cached:        62412 kB
> SwapCached:        0 kB
> Active:        27320 kB
> Inactive:      58720 kB
> SwapTotal:         0 kB
> SwapFree:          0 kB
> Dirty:            12 kB
> Writeback:         0 kB
> AnonPages:      5932 kB
> Mapped:         3916 kB
> Slab:         193560 kB
> SReclaimable:  26076 kB
> SUnreclaim:   167484 kB
> PageTables:      464 kB
> NFS_Unstable:      0 kB
> Bounce:            0 kB
> CommitLimit:  498160 kB
> Comitted_AS:   15536 kB
> VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
> VmallocUsed:     600 kB
> VmallocChunk: 34359736326 kB
> One of my problems is that I really don't know how to read /proc/meminfo.
> What do the numbers mean?
> Are there rules such as Slab = SReclaimable + SUnreclaim?
> For example, it seems to me that all physical memory must be used
> either by slab, cache or userland. So I tried adding it all up:
> Buffers + Cached + AnonPages + Mapped + Slab + MemFree = 351244.
> That is still way below 1 GB, so where are my other 645076 kB?
> I'm starting to suspect a problem in the kernel. I upgraded
> to a few weeks before this problem came up. Also, I'm
> now running with CONFIG_SPARSEMEM while all my previous kernels
> Any help appreciated.
> Joris.
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