technically, 16bit cannot access > 16bit of RAM for i368 CPU.   so the
answer is technically impossible, CMIW.

and linux kernel only runs on 32bit and 64bit, but u want to execute
16bit insn?   eg, using QEMU to run 16 bit application?   So i think
your questions sounds like:   how to execute insn (16bit) and do
graphic rendering?   if everything is done in the realm of emulated
16bit, i think that is possible.   but then u are running everything
independent of Linux Kernel (only 32/64 bit) as am
really puzzled...:-(.

essentially....u are writing your OS.....16bit version.

how about checking out the source codes of FreeDOS at sourceforge,
which run 16bit OS, and should have some codes for rendering the
screen graphics?

On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 5:56 PM, ZelluX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, all
> I want to enter v86 mode and switch to VGA Mode 13h to draw some pictures.
> Now i can enter v86 mode with IRET instruction setting VM flag in the eflags
> register.
> But since v86 mode supports only 16-bit address, how can i let the cpu
> executes instructions beyond 0x100000 which includes setting VGA Mode 13h
> and drawing pictures?
> Many thanks for your reply ;-)

Peter Teoh

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