El Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 07:24:40PM +0530 Nalajala Murali ha dit:

> I need a solution for the below problem.
> When the USB got detected by the kernel ( Linux ) i am not able to
> figure it out to where it is mapped on my dev file system. Please let
> me know how will i come to know to where my USB is mapped using the C
> routine!!! Is there any provision to call some kernel related
> functions so that i cae to know where it mapped? Also how do i know (
> application ) the USB disconnection?
> Also i heard few solutions for the above problem like, "Query HAL over
> Dbus" and reading information from "libsysfs" library.Though first one
> is pretty good i don't know how to use Dbus in my application ( it bit
> confused me ).If any one propose any better solutions that would be
> very helpful.

maybe instead of figuring out where your device is mapped you could
use udev rules to enforce a mapping. udev rules are usually defined
in /etc/udev/rules.d/, the format is described in

for example i use the following rules to map a usb stick on the first
usb controller of an embedded device to /dev/usbhda:

KERNEL=="sd?", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNELS=="1-1:1.0",
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", SYMLINK="usbhda"

KERNEL=="sd*[0-9]", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNELS=="1-1:1.0",
ACTION=="add", SYMLINK="usbhda%n"

the application could use inotify(7) to watch /dev and be informed
when the device node is added or removed

Matthias Kaehlcke
Embedded Linux Engineer

                If you don't know where you are going,
               you will probably end up somewhere else
                         (Laurence J. Peter)
    using free software / Debian GNU/Linux | http://debian.org  : :'  :
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