Le Sat, 27 Dec 2008 04:28:42 -0500,
"sahlot arvind" <asah...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Yes. I did read your previous email. I heard that bochs is more
> mature then Qemu. I dont know though.
> So just wanted to give a try to bochs and later on might like to use
> Qemu as well. But unfortunate that I am not even getting bochs right.
> :( Its been almost three days and even my environment is not setup, :(

apt-get install qemu

and done. Bochs is probably already packaged. But I don't know where
you've heard that Bochs was more mature than Qemu. Clearly, Qemu has a
much much larger user and developer base these days.

> If you have Ubuntu, do not try to compile gcc 3.3. Instead, install
> the gcc-3.4 package, which will give you this version of gcc without
> the need to compile it.
> But why doesnt the compilation work on Ubuntu?

I don't know, but compiling gcc might be complicated. I would suggest
not to try this for the moment, and stick with available binary

Thomas Petazzoni, Free Electrons
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