On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 4:34 AM, Greg Freemyer <greg.freem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <snip>
>>>> But, first I will see the performance metrics of dividing the copy
>>>> operation in some chunks.
>>> Agreed.
>>> Somewhere I think I read you were doing 1 GB in less than a second or
>>> something like that.
>>> Am I remembering right?
>> Yes that is true. The approx figure for 512M file was 230 milliseconds.
>> The code is currently in testing phase so we will let you know
>> the exact figures.
> Suspiciously fast.  At first glance I don't trust your benchmarking
> methodology.  Or are you using a ramdisk for both of your tiers?
> If it is real disk, I suspect you are not getting that data to the
> disk in that timeframe, just setting up you write queues.
> Trouble is that you then release the lock, which means the buffers are
> subject to overwriting.
> If I am right, you 2 choices to preserve the integrity of the data:
> 1) Ensure the write queue gets flushed before you release the lock.
> (Anyone know how to do this in the kernel itself?  Should just be a
> matter of tracing a fsync call().)
> 2) Institute the memcpy() call such that you don't rely on the data
> getting to disk prior to releasing the lock.
> If you decide to go route 2), you will likely still need to flush/sync
> your queues as part of the benchmarking process, so you need to know
> how to do that either way.

Here is a link to ext4 defrag design.


Thanks -

> Greg
> --
> Greg Freemyer
> Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/gregfreemyer
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> http://www.norcrossgroup.com/forms/whitepapers/99%20Days%20whitepaper.pdf
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