Lisette Scheer <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
 Attachment #176753|0                           |1
        is obsolete|                            |

--- Comment #3 from Lisette Scheer <> ---
Created attachment 176759
Bug 38919: hold-found1 modal needs block class

After the upgrade to Bootstrap 5, modals need either the block or
noblock class in order to be shown. The class was missing from the modal
that appears when an item is checked in after it is already waiting for
a hold.

To test:
1. Place a hold on an item for pickup at the logged-in branch
2. Check in the item and confirm the hold
3. Check in the item again
--> There is no notification that the item is already assigned to a
waiting hold, just a "Not checked out" message
4. Apply patch
5. Navigate away from the page (we can't simply refresh the page because
   we don't want to resubmit the request just yet)
6. Check in the item again
--> A modal appears notifying of the waiting hold

Signed-off-by: Roman Dolny <>
Signed-off-by: Lisette Scheer <>

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