Hello everybody,

I have just subscribed the list, so let me say a little about me.

My name is Gianfranco; I live in Torino, Italy. I am an IT Professional - a developer for a big software and IT consultants company, since 1996.

In the spare time I work as a volounteer at the Museo Ferroviario Piemontese (Piedmont Railways Museum), and of course I manage all the IT infrastructure of the museum. At MFP we are all volounteers, there are no employees.

I came across Koha and this mailing list while i was searching for a replacement for our library software, which runs on a very old PC, that is about to stop working; since we cannot reinstall our legacy software anymore (the setup disks are lost, and the manufacturer has gone), we need a new program.

So I found Koha, and I am evaluating it to understand if it can fit our needs - before developing a new application from scratch myself, which I would prefer to avoid (no time and no will... ) if possible.

Installing Koha was a piece of cake - in a couple of hours or so i had a test instance up and running with no trouble. I tried to enter a test book from my home library, and everything was fine. But now I am trying to figure out how to import data from our legacy software, and how to teach our library guy to use this new program, bearing in mind that neither him, nor me, are librarians.

Actually I am as confused as possible, so I am going to ask your help and guidance in deploying the production environment. Moreover, I am a bit in a hurry, because I don't know how much our old PC will still be working.

I searched the Internet and this list for the past ten days, but I found no answer for my questions (for sure, most of them are due to I haven't no skill about libraries and librarians). In a next message I will post some of my major questions; I hope someone will help me.

Many thanks in advance and best regards,

Gianfranco Nicola
Museo Ferroviario Piemontese

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