----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 1:20 AM
Subject: NATO Pro-Consul Visits Bulgarian Province


I find it revealing - and more than revealing - that this story is filed
under BusIness News.
Let's remember what this whole thing is really about: Plundering the
wealth of Eastern European countries, reducing their populations to
worse than Third World conditions, so that English and American arms
merchants can sell more of their deadly wares.
In Madeleine Albright's demented world this is called democracy.  
NATO Secretary-General In Bulgaria
SOFIA, Feb 11, 2000 -- (RFE/RL) Beginning a Balkan tour that will also
take him to Bucharest and Chisinau, Lord Robertson said in Sofia on
February 9 following talks with President Petar Stoyanov that Bulgaria
is "an important strategic partner of NATO" but there is still "a long
way to go" before it can achieve NATO membership. Robertson told
journalists that Bulgaria and Romania should not see themselves as
competing for membership in the alliance. "NATO membership is not some
prize in a competition, but is a very tough test," he commented.
Robertson added that Bulgaria has taken a step toward membership by
reforming its armed forces and participating in the Partnership for
Peace program, Reuters reported. Robertson is to meet with Premier Ivan
Kostov and address the parliament on 10 February, before departing for

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