>One of the early shots at Mine-Mill workers and their union came across the
>bargaining table from a Falconbridge Noranda Vice President, who referred
>to workers as “bottom-feeders and scum-suckers.”
>“We are not bottom-feeders and scum-suckers. We are human beings, with
>families, who deserve and have a right to respect and dignity,” said Rolly
>Gautier to a mass picket and rally Oct. 14 outside the smelter. The event
>was jointly organized by the union and the Sudbury Coalition for Social
>With the strike costing the company $1.5 million a day, it's clear that the
>real issue is union-busting. Gautier also thinks the company may be trying
>to test the CAW, which Mine-Mill is now part of.
>It's an old story in Sudbury, with a new twist by a new transnational. The
>stakes are high. Since what happens here may be repeated in mines and
>smelters across Canada, local activists say this strike must not be lost.
>Molly Hancock, spokesperson for the Sudbury Social Justice Coalition, told
>strikers that the community fully supports them.
>“Sudbury is a mining union town,” she said earlier in an interview. “This
>strike and the way it's being conducted by the company, is making an
>impression on the community about how working people are viewed by this
>particular company. We've never seen anything like it before... It seems to
>us that it's the beginning of this corporate globalization movement in the
>mining industry.”
>Mass support has come from the labour movement and the community, including
>from the USWA and miners at INCO, construction workers, teachers and the
>federations, and other unions in the public and private sectors. Shelly
>Martel, NDP MPP for Sudbury expressed her support for the strike. The
>Charlie McClure Club of the Communist Party, which helped build the rally,
>gave its full support.
>Gautier said one of the keys to victory was to make sure the young people
>in the union know what the struggle is about. Judging by the young people
>on the picket line, Gautier has delivered the goods.
>Two young strikers and their wives interviewed by People's Voice at the
>rally said the company has seriously underestimated the workers. “They
>think we're stupid. But you know, many of us have university and college
>degrees. We may have to read the contract two or three times, but we can
>read what they mean.”
>When the company sent personal letters home to all the strikers -- twice,
>including its final offer -- Rob Gravelle and Darren Nixon pulled out
>calculators and worked it out for themselves. The offer was “bullshit,”
>worse than they had thought.
>Now it's time to shut the mine down, say many of the strikers. “Yeah, we're
>going to try,” said one. “I don't know how long we have to wait to get the
>okay to shut down Falconbridge, but it's coming. We'll have to do it.”
>The company is claiming high levels of production, up to 50%, but Gravelle
>and Nixon say it isn't more than 20%. “They're running at 50%, but they're
>throwing away about 30% because the quality is garbage. They're running
>empty trucks through the picket lines. You can tell by the tires, they're
>running them back and forth empty.
>“They tape everything we say. They videotape us all the time. They listen
>in on our cell-phone conversations. These guys are there for intimidation
>purposes. They've forked out a million dollars just on security. They use a
>firm called Accufax from Hamilton, they're union-busters.”
>Mining unions in Norway have declared Falconbridge Noranda hot, and will
>stop the refining of Falconbridge ore by the end of October. The impact
>will help bring production to a stop in Sudbury too, say the strikers.
>“International solidarity -- that's what we need to beat globalization,”
>said Nixon.
>The union will soon hold another membership meeting. Pressure to stop the
>scabs is building, and support for the strike is growing across the North.
>“We're not going to let this company rule us. We going to stick to our
>guns. We're the ones who live here,” said Gravelle and Nixon.
>Special to People's Voice
>FIFTY PEOPLE took part in a late afternoon rally on Oct. 10 at the U.S.
>Consulate in downtown Vancouver, a location quite visible to the heavy
>pedestrian and car traffic. The protest was organized by members of the 8th
>“Che Guevara” Volunteer Work Brigade, who recently spent three weeks in
>Cuba working and learning about the current situation. Other solidarity
>organizations took part, including the Canadian Cuban Friendship
>Association (CCFA) and the Cuban Youth Tour Committee.
>The demonstrators chanted slogans against the U.S. blockade of Cuba,
>calling on the public to oppose the Torricelli Law, the Helms-Burton Law
>and the Cuban Adjustment Act, all of which violate international laws.
>Noting that October 10 was International Cuba Solidarity Day,
>CCFA-Vancouver President Nazir Rizvi welcomed the participation of young
>people. Volunteer work in Cuba is a special sign of friendship, Rizvi said
>that “as a matter of fact, this demo is an example of friendship and
>solidarity with Cuba.”
>Calling on Washington to end the “illegal and immoral blockade against
>Cuba,” Rizvi added that it is the duty of Canadians to call on our own
>government to speak up against this U.S. action. Cuba has made achievements
>we can all learn from, he said, referring to Liberal MP Dr. Carolyn Bennet,
>who has publicly reported about some positive features of the Cuban health
>care system and the lessons for Canada.
>The second speaker, “Che” Brigade coordinator Nino Pagliccia, referred to
>the less well-known Cuban Adjustment Act. Signed by President Johnson in
>1966, the Act establishes that any Cuban arriving in US territory in any
>way, even illegally or by risking the lives of others, can receive the
>status of permanent resident in the USA.
>This “American law that kills Cubans,” as Pagliccia said, is known by
>Cubans as the “Law of Death.” He pointed out that “there is no Mexican
>Adjustment Act. There is no Guatemalan Adjustment Act. There is no
>Colombian Adjustment Act. There is no Canadian Adjustment Act.”
>The U.S. government has been granting only 7% of the visas out of the
>20,000 a year stated in the U.S.Cuba Migratory Agreement. Instead,
>Washington promises certain privileges under the Cuban Adjustment Act, and
>at the same time finances the broadcast of 2,300 weekly radio hours from
>Florida to encourage the illegal migration of Cubans. In this way, the U.S.
>government incites Cubans to undertake actions such as armed hijackings of
>aircraft and vessels, and smuggling of people for profit.
>In one recent incident, a small plane stolen from Cuba crashed in
>international waters, claiming one life. The nine survivors should have
>been returned to Cuba, according to the Migratory Agreement. But the U.S.
>government let them free without a single charge for the crime of stealing
>an aircraft.
>The most cruel side of the story is that the mother of the Cuban who died
>applied for a visa to attend her son's funeral in Florida; the U.S.
>Interest Section in Havana denied the visa, saying “she might opt to remain
>in the U.S.” If this same mother risked her life on a raft to reach
>Florida, she would be granted residency under the Cuban Adjustment Act.
>Calling this policy “absurd, irrational and criminal,” Pagliccia concluded
>that “U.S. authorities are completely responsible for over three decades of
>loss or risk of human life. Even children are forced to embark on such
>adventures as a consequence of a policy that is immoral, outdated,
>absolutely unethical and inhumane. We will continue to publicly identify
>this senseless Cuban Adjustment Act as `the law of death' that kills Cubans.”
>Communist Party of Canada
>290A Danforth Ave.,
>Toronto, Ont. M4K 1N6
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>416-469-4063 (fax)


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