Egyptian Envoy Delivers Message To Kadhafi

Panafrican News Agency

October 25, 2000

Tripoli, Libya

Libyan leader Col. Moammar Kadhafi received in Tripoli
late Tuesday Egyptian Information Minister Safwat
Al-Cherif, who handed him a message from President Hosni

The minister informed Kadhafi about the resolutions adopted by the Arab
League extraordinary summit held in Cairo 21-22 October, official sources

Kadhafi did not take part in the summit which, among other things, decided
to set up two funds with a billion US dollars to support the Palestinian

The Egyptian minister returned home the same evening immediately after his
audience with Kadhafi, who also gave him a message for Mubarak.

Demonstrations were organised in Tripoli and other major Libyan cities
Monday in support of the Intifada, which resumed in the Palestinian
territories 28 September.

They also protested against the decisions of the Arab League extraordinary
summit decisions to set up the fund. Instead, the Libyan protestors called
for a Jihad (holy war) against Israel.


Libyans Stage Demonstrations to Back Palestinians

Panafrican News Agency

October 24, 2000

Tripoli, Libya

Libyans staged demonstrations in Tripoli and other major
urban centres to protest against the decisions taken by
the recent extraordinary summit of the League of Arab
States in Cairo, Egypt.

The crowd in Tripoli chanted "Allah Akbar" (God is the greatest) and called
for a holy war (Jihad) as it marched from the Green Square, in the city
centre, to the Embassy of Palestine where they burnt an American flag.

They denounced the continuing massacres of Palestinians by the Israeli army
as well as the support and assistance the US provides to the Hebrew State.

The Arab League summit established two funds of a billion US dollars, in
support of the Palestinian cause.

One of them is the 800-million-dollar Al Aqsa fund, to finance projects
aimed at preserving the Arab identity of Jerusalem and enabling Palestinians
living in the city to detach themselves from the Israeli economy.

The remaining 200-million-dollar Jerusalem Intifada fund will be used to
help families of martyrs killed during confrontation with Israeli troops and
educating their children.

"The Palestinians did not ask for Arab financial aid when they started the
Intifada on 28 September," Mahjoub, a teacher in Tripoli's Africa high
school, who was leading his students in the demonstration, said.

"Their blood is priceless and Israel should be made to pay for this blood,"
he added, stressing that "setting up the two funds makes no sense."

Mohamed Massoud, a young student in Tripoli, quieried: "Can such an
initiative dissuade the enemy? The response was given today by Israeli
soldiers who continue to kill Palestinian children, thus extending the list
of martyrs."

Nasser Aboulkhir, a 42-year-old pharmacist, wondered why the Arab leaders
did not decide to provide international protection to the Palestinian
children who continue to fall under the fire of Israeli soldiers.

In a statement read at the Palestinian Embassy, demonstrators stressed the
need to make the necessary preparations for the "Jihad" in order to free
Palestine and the holy city of Al-Qods (Jerusalem).

The statement added that the Israeli-Arab conflict can only be settled in
the field, in the streets of Palestinian cities and villages and not in
conference rooms or big hotels.

It hailed the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people and expressed
Libya's willingness to put all its resources at the disposal of the
Palestinian struggle and resistance and to form combatant units to free


Bouteflika Confers With Kadhafi in Tripoli

Panafrican News Agency

October 23, 2000

Tripoli, Libya

Algerian President, Abdelaziz Bouteflika held talks Sunday with Libyan
leader Col. Moammar Kadhafi, focusing on African and Arab issues, officials
said in Tripoli.

Bouteflika was on his way from Cairo, Egypt, where he attended the
just-ended Arab League extraordinary summit.

Kadhafi did not attend the Cairo summit, saying it was "useless" to hold an
Arab League extraordinary summit just a few days after a meeting devoted to
the situation in Palestinian occupied territories which took place in Charm
el Cheikh, Egypt.

He was referring to the US and UN brokered Middle East summit, at which the
Israeli and Palestinian leaders agreed a shaken end to violence, that has
largely been ignored with renewed hostilities in the region.

The Libyan delegation to the two-day Arab summit withdrew a few minutes
after it was opened, arguing that the meeting would not take a decision to
severe diplomatic relations with Israel, as demanded by some hard-liners.


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