2009/9/24 Jan Kiszka <jan.kis...@web.de>:
> Jorge Lucángeli Obes wrote:
>> ...
>> Aidan, were you able to solve this? I was having the same (original)
>> problem in Xubuntu 64-bits with a custom 2.6.31 kernel and kvm-88. I
>> still haven't tried Jan's patch (paper deadline at work) but I wanted
>> to know if you had made any progress.
> The kvm-kmod tree at git://git.kiszka.org/kvm-kmod.git (branch 'queue')
> meanwhile contains patches that solved all Aidan's build problems.
> But note: Even your customized 2.6.31 contains the very same KVM kernel
> sources my tree is currently pulling in. So you could make your life
> easier by simply compiling them along your kernel.
> The kvm-kmod patches will become important again when we pull more
> recent KVM sources that are not yet part of the latest kernel, at least
> not part of the particular kernel one is forced to use (for whatever
> reason).

Thanks Jan!
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