<<Note from MN: Since these two guys were major 
shot-caller for MS-13 during the whole peiod they 
were in custody and informing to the FBI, how 
many hits did they order from prison while 
working for and getting funds from the agency. If 
Comandari's grandfather was a head of the death 
squads in El Salvador, and his uncle was involved 
in the Reagan-era COINTELPRO operation against 
CISPES, what was the role of federal forces in 
organizing the Salvadoran gangs as a conscious 
counter-insurgency effort to destabilize 
Salvadoran society and overturn the results of 
the peace agreements? People may not be aware of 
the material that came out in the 70s and early 
80s about "pseudo-gangs" being built by state 
security forces as pre-emptive measures against 
the radicalization of working class and lumpen 
sectors. Check out the material I have appended, 
below this article by Tom Hayden who has been 
working to defend Alex Sanchez, about the British 
counter-insurgency specialist Frank Kitson, one 
of the chief theoreticians of low intensity 
warfare and domestic psyops in urban situations.--MN>>

Subject: MS Leaders FBI Informants
From: Tom Hayden <tomhay...@earthlink.net>
To: troy garity <tro...@mac.com>

Published on The Nation (http://www.thenation.com)
Feds Have Been Hiding Evidence From Wiretap Courts In Their War on Gangs

Tom Hayden | August 27, 2010
Federal prosecutors have used top leaders of Mara 
Salvatrucha (MS-13), known as the most violent 
gang in the US and Central America, as secret 
informants over a decade of murders, 
drug-trafficking and car-jackings across a dozen 
US states and several Central American countries. 
During that time period, prosecutors obtained 
more than 21 wiretap approvals, plus extensions, 
to investigate MS-13, failing to tell judges that 
the gang leaders were already in custody as 
informants ­ a possible violation of federal law.

The details are revealed in court documents filed 
by the defense in the ongoing murder conspiracy 
trial of Alex Sanchez [1] and 23 alleged MS-13 
members in Los Angeles. Sanchez, who was released 
on bail [2] after an outpouring of community 
appeals and a review by an appeals court, is 
well-known as the former gang member who founded 
Homies Unidos [3], a gang intervention group 
attempting to quell gang violence in the US and 
Central America. The revelations threaten to 
undermine the state’s case­and could even lead 
parts to be thrown out­while raising serious 
questions about the legality of the US 
government’s global war on gangs, which, like the 
larger war on terror, uses undercover police 
units, informants, secret databases, and 
surveillance without clear legal authority.

The informants are identified as Nelson 
Comandari, described by law enforcement as "the 
CEO of Mara Salvatrucha," and his self described 
“right hand man,” Jorge Pineda, nicknamed "Dopey" 
because of his drug-dealing background. Both are 
Salvadorans in their 30s, being held in law 
enforcement custody at undisclosed locations. Los 
Angeles authorities hold Comandari responsible 
for six to ten murders ­ killings he either 
committed or ordered ­ according to crime 
reporter Tom Diaz in his 2009 book No Boundaries, 
about transnational gangs. Comandari's 
grandfather was Col. Agustin Martinez Varela, a 
powerful right-wing Salvadoran who served as an 
interior minister during El Salvador’s civil 
wars. Comandari's uncle, Franklin Varela, was a 
central informant in the Reagan administration’s 
scandalous investigation into the activist 
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El 
Salvador [CISPES]. There is more that may come to 
light. "Public information about Nelson 
Comandari's criminal case is in lockdown," Diaz 
wrote last year, "and I was subtly warned more 
than once about writing about it." Mention of 
Comandari’s name, Diaz added, "causes senior FBI 
and Justice Department officials in Washington to blanch."

Comandari and Pineda/Dopey have been in 
government custody since 2006 and 2000 
respectively, where their phone calls have been 
recorded and their personal contacts monitored. 
In Pineda/Dopey's case, according to court 
documents, "at the time it applied for the 
initial wiretap order at the end of November 
2000, the government had already had access to 
Dopey for nearly three months." As for Comandari, 
he was providing recorded evidence for 
authorities "just weeks before the government 
applied for its first wiretap of 2006." The 
failure by the FBI and prosecutors to disclose 
their relationships with Comandari and 
Pineda/Dopey while seeking wiretap authorizations 
potentially violated federal law requiring 
officials to show that a wiretap is a "necessity" 
in the absence of any other 
intelligence-gathering techniques. "Inaccuracies 
or significant omissions" in wiretap applications are prohibited.

Pineda/Dopey, by his own account, taped as many 
as 600 phone calls "from all over the world" with 
the FBI listening, holding discussions of ongoing 
MS-13 criminal activity beginning in 2001. The 
information he obtained was so valuable to 
authorities that the FBI described it as "gold 
dust." With the FBI’s encouragement, Pineda/Dopey 
cultivated the trust of Comandari, eventually 
becoming the middleman other gang leaders had to 
call in order to communicate with him. In 
exchange, Pineda/Dopey received nearly $130,000 
in payments from the government between 2000 and 
2004, and remained on the state payroll until 
2006. He was protected from deportation, as were 
his relatives, and he obtained favorable 
treatment for his wife in a criminal case.

After investing so much in his "right-hand man," 
it must have been thrilling for the prosecution 
when the captive Comandari started spilling his 
guts to an FBI-led team in January 2006. Three 
days of questioning yielded 26 single-spaced 
pages of notes. Another series of interrogations, 
in May of that year, produced 44 single-spaced 
pages. Interrogations in September turned out a 
61-page summary. Present during several 
interrogation sessions were Frank Flores, the 
lead LAPD officer on the current case, and 
Elizabeth Carpenter, the lead prosecutor. It’s 
not clear how many other interrogations took 
place, and the notes remain sealed. But it is 
clear that the prosecution kept their extensive 
questioning of "the CEO" of MS-13 a secret from the wiretap judges.

Federal Judge Manuel Real will rule on the 
wiretaps’ admissibility before the trial opens 
next February. If he sides with the prosecution 
and there is a conviction, the wiretap ruling 
will be appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Meanwhile, for all the evidence of official 
misconduct, nothing has turned up in the "gold 
dust" tapes to fortify the prosecution’s case 
against Alex Sanchez. Of some 20,000 taped phone 
calls recorded by authorities, the prosecution 
has produced only four in which Sanchez 
participated, and Sanchez says his former 
comrades asked that he participate in those calls 
because of an old gang dispute in which he and 
others were being threatened by name. The 
transcripts of these calls back him up, with a 
key MS-13 leader repeatedly demanding to know why 
Sanchez was on the calls when he was no longer an active member of the gang.

The fact that the state concealed its ties to top 
MS-13 leaders could lead parts of its conspiracy 
case to be thrown out­and the hidden side of its 
war on gangs to be exposed. If hiding the use of 
top gang leaders as informants while seeking 
broad wiretap powers is not “a significant 
omission,” the government is betting that the 
rule of law can be overlooked in waging its overzealous war on gangs.

Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 22:46:29 GMT
Sender: Activists Mailing List <acti...@mizzou1.missouri.edu>
From: Dale Wharton <1...@dale.cam.org>
Subject: pacifying "urban rabbit warrens"
To: Multiple recipients of list ACTIV-L <acti...@mizzou1.missouri.edu>
Frank Kitson, Low intensity operations: 
subversion, insurgency, peacekeeping (1971)
Reviewed by Dale Wharton, Montreal <4...@dale.cam.org>, 11 January 1966

Low intensity operations: subversion, insurgency, 
peacekeeping, by Frank Kitson, 1926-. Harrisburg 
PA: Stackpole Books, 1971. 208 pp, bibliography, 
index. SBN 0-8117-0957-4, LC call number U 240.K53 1971

Riots broke out in 100 US cities in 1967. (It was 
the year before Martin Luther King Jr died.) 
Inner cities have since decayed. The poor have 
sunk even deeper. Yet North America's underclass 
has not risen. How could a ruling group keep the lid on civil unrest?

The circle near Her Britannic Majesty does 
it--and fends off social change--using warriors 
like Frank Kitson. The author fought subversion 
and insurgency (S&I) and tried peacekeeping in 
Kenya 1953-5, Malaya 1957, Cyprus 1962-4, and 
Northern Ireland 1970-2. He explains that 
traditional methods may fail against S&I. 
"Gradually the more intelligent officers find 
themselves developing a new...deviousness, 
patience, and...determination to outwit their 
opponents by all means ..." (p 200). Their two main means: stealth and fraud.

The foe, S&I, aims "...to overthrow those 
governing the country...or to force them to do 
things which they do not want to do. [S&I] can 
involve the use of political and economic 
pressure, strikes, protest marches, and 
propaganda, and...the use of small-scale violence 
for the purpose of coercing...members of the 
population into giving support" (p 3). 
Subversives stop with harassment, insurgents take up arms.

Growth in S&I--that is, in modern warfare--may 
stem from the new ways of getting people to think 
and to act. Literacy, radio, and television are 
now widespread. S&I can use them to aggravate 
social discontent, racial ferment, nationalism, 
contempt for authority, etc. (High order 
conflict, on the other hand, has lost favour 
since refinement in weapons of mass destruction.) 
Kitson argues that S&I has three phases.

PHASE I. Preparing to protest, "...the enemy [a 
section of the country's people] is likely to be 
occupied in spreading his cause..." (p 71). Set 
agents to work now! "In normal times, and in the 
very early stages of subversion, the intelligence 
organisation has got to be able to penetrate 
small...highly secure targets" (p 72). It may 
have to invent new ways to do it. (At a Rand 
Corporation symposium in 1962 the author found a 
consensus: field officers prefer lots of low 
grade information to a small amount of higher quality.)

Next, the army should help with psyops 
(psychological operations-- propaganda, PR). 
Psyops can offset the popular appeal of S&I's 
cause and enhance the government's story. Experts 
develop policy; technicians put the policy into 
films, programmes, articles, leaflets; machines 
spread the results by broadcast, print, and 
projection. At this early stage, the army may 
even counterorganize. It can build controls over 
the civil community and frustrate any efforts by 
S&I to do so. The method adds to psyops with good 
deeds. It sends out persons whose tasks are 
"...doing work [to] help remove sources of 
grievances and at the same time making contact 
with the people. The...jobs... range from 
teaching to the setting up of clinics, advising 
on simple construction works, and working on agricultural projects" (p 79).

PHASE II. Nonviolent disorder--mass meetings, 
marches, strikes-- requires persuading multitudes 
to do something. This phase focuses on crowds, 
usually in cities. Kitson suggests a 
"...judicious promise of concessions [to split 
the many from S&I leaders, while] imposing 
...calm by the use of government forces [then 
announcing] that most of the concessions can only 
be implemented once...life...returns to normal" 
(p 87). Civilians must look upon troops with 
"...respect and awe.... If an impression can be 
built that although [they] have used little force 
so far, they might at any moment use a great deal 
more, the people will be wary and...fewer men will be needed" (p 90).

PHASE III. Open insurgency erupts. The army's job 
is first to find armed groups and their 
supporters, then to smash them. It collects and 
studies background information, developing it to 
enable contact with the opponent. Kitson tells 
how to fish for information and to snuff out 
"...very small groups...in large urban rabbit 
warrens..." (p 127). "An example of a simple 
Special Operation would be the cordonning of a 
[community] and the examination of occupants 
by...informers concealed in hoods..." (p 100). 
Technology helps. Suppose a central computer kept 
watch lists--data on S&I throughout the country. 
If a remote interrogator could search them by 
wireless, he might "...get the information he 
needs to break down a prisoner without delay" (p 142).

Then a brigadier, Frank Kitson wrote this as UK 
forces steadily shrank. He dwells on controlling 
costs. The book casts 11 chapters into three 
parts: trends and background, the army's 
contribution, and preparation required. There are 
four organisation charts. Two maps illustrate a 
scenario of S&I. A lawyer in the US says LOW 
INTENSITY OPERATIONS is the "leading treatise" on 
nonstop spying and deceit.* The author seems 
selective with charges of terrorism, but he 
respects sensibilities: he omits details of 
interrogation and wetwork (torture and disposal 
of captives). Kitson's other books are GANGS AND 
COUNTERGANGS (Barrie and Rockliff, 1960), BUNCH 
OF FIVE (Faber, 1977), WARFARE AS A WHOLE (Faber, 
1987), DIRECTING OPERATIONS (Faber, 1989), and 
(editor) PRINCE RUPERT: portrait of a soldier (Constable, 1994).

WHO'S WHO 1995 sums up the career of General Sir 
Frank Edward Kitson. He rose to Commander in 
Chief, United Kingdom Land Forces 1982-5 and 
Aide-de-Camp General to the Queen 1983-5. In 1985 
he became Knight Grand Cross, Order of the 
British Empire. "Address: c/o Lloyds Bank, 
Farnham, Surrey... Club: Boodle's" (p 1086).

* Glick, Brian, WAR AT HOME: covert action 
against US activists and what we can do about it 
(South End Press, 1989), p 37. Glick includes an 
FBI memo of 3/4/68--some goals of COINTELPRO: 
"Prevent the rise of a `messiah' who could 
unify...the militant black nationalist movement 
.... You must discredit these groups and individuals" (p 78f). #

%A Frank Kitson, 1926-
%C Harrisburg PA
%D 1971
%G SBN 0-8117-0957-4, LC accession number 72-162452 \
ISBN 0-5710-9801-0 (London: Faber, 1971)
%I Stackpole Books
%K combat guerilla insurgent subversive urban warfare
%P xi, 208 pp
%T Low intensity operations : subversion, insurgency, peacekeeping


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