As an addendum to my last email - it's strange now living in Australia that I
did not recognise the first line of the Australian national anthem (hang head
in shame), but in my defence I think of only 3 occasions when I've actually
heard the Aussie anthem - I am not a sports lover, even when we had the
olympics held here.
Regarding US and English spelling Australia seems to plumb in the middle with
some words following US and others English spelling. The one that particularly
bugs me is sulfur as Australians and US spell it. Sorry I learnt it as sulphur
and that's the way I continue to spell it (I was a chemist in a previous
existence - chemistry not pharmacy)
Anyway since we seem to be on a puzzle bent, not a phrase this time but to
make things easier in each group of consonants following 3 or 4 O's have been
left out:-
1.    VD                            2.  SNRUS                3.  FFSHT
4.    CTRN
5.    PRTCL                      6.   LKUT                   7.  MNTNUS


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