On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 07:26:16 +0100, Annette wrote:
>I don't have anything to prick onto yet, so I use the bottom of my polystyrene
>mushroom pillow.  I've just bought a block pillow, and intend to use the side
>of the blocks to prick.  I suppose I ought to go and get a polystyrene ceiling
>tile from B&Q!

When I first started making lace I used an odd bit of polystyrene tile as a
pricking board.  After about a year someone persuaded me to blow an entire
GBP1.50 on a cork pricking board.  This is so much better to use than the
tile, that you should order one Annette.  Then go to Sainsburys and look for
wax coated paper for baking and wrap the cork tile in the wax paper.  Every
time you prick the needle picks up a tiny bit of wax from the paper, making
it slide more easily through the card.  One wrapping of the paper lasts
ages, so one roll is a lifetime's worth (well unless you use it for cooking
as well).
A liberal is a person whose interests 
aren't at stake at the moment. - Willis Player
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