the formulas are excellent brenda, and i'm totally confused.  i was a
little mistaken by the size.  they sell it in 66/3, but don't worry
because i found another maker of 3 ply linen thread which gives the
length of the thread. i'm going to write the company (email) and ask
what the equivalent size for a cotton size 60 would be, and i hope they
will give me an answer.  i'm sure they should, and also they have a
color chart for their colors!  i'm totally in love!  i can't wait until
i put an order in.

did you major in algebra?  are you an accountant?  if you are thinking
of a major, i would choose one of those subjects if i were as lucky and
as smart as you.  also thank you for the nel measurements on the
thread.  i will be looking out for that when i'm shopping around for
now on.  

the company i'm looking at now is "threadneedle street" and the website
url is:

thank you for all your help, and i plan to write those formulas in a
book and keep it on the inside of a folder with some other bobbin lace
reading material.  that is not information you can get everyday.  

> If the 60/3 spool also has 25 gms of thread on it it will be 25 x 20 
> meters = 500 meters long.
> Hope the maths hasn't confused you but there are so many different
> ways 
> of measuring thread thickness, it's a minefield!
> See page 6 in Edition  2 or 3.
> Brenda

from suzy in tennessee,u.s.a.

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