Hello Tamara

Peat was a brand name, not a fibre type.

I've never seen any, but Walter-Kampmann's "Faden & Brief" lists gassed (cotton) lace thread from E Peat & Co, Nottingham. Also shows a label. It came in skeins and was very fine - possibly it was what we know as slip-thread, though I've not seen a label on slip-thread.

Avital suggested Pita lace which is knitted lace made in the Azores from thead made from fibre of various species of bromelia. Nothing to do with 's Gravenmoerse BL.

Peat is actually partly decomposed moss and other vegetation (including wood). Rayon thread is made from wood pulp so I suppose that theoretically peat could be used to manufacture a rayon thread but it would be considered very un-eco friendly. Peat bogs are dissapering only too rapidly.


On 27 Aug 2006, at 03:03, Tamara P Duvall wrote:

I got the following from Vera today. I did respond, but was less than helpful, since I've never heard of "peat lace". I know that lace has been made out of some less-traditional fibers and plants (like nettles), but have never heard of thread being made from peat.

Perhaps someone on the list can throw some light onto this mystery?

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Vera Cockuyt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 26, 2006 7:12:09 EDT
Subject: [lace-chat] :) Fwd: Psychology 101

Hi Tamara,
I'm Vera Cockuyt, Belgian lacemaker and as I was doing some research on the Internet on peat lace, I ran into your article.
I have found the word piete lace as a replacement for 's Gravenmoerse lace probably refering to the peat industry in the area.
My question is : does something like thread from peat exists?
Looking forward to hear from you.  Thanks
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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