Yesterday the new Exhibition Room at the Lace Guild headquarters, The 
Hollies, was officially opened.  It is now in a downstairs room, and very light 
and airy.  Several of the display cabinets have glass backs allowing a good, 
all round view of the lace displayed.

It was actually opened by the Mayor and Mayoress of Dudley, as Chris Kelly 
(the MP for the area) was unable to get there in time.  He did arrive later 
in the day, and has already put two photos on his Flikr page.  The first is 
with Sue Dane, Chairman, outside the front of the building:

The second is inside the room having a lace lesson from Eve Corrall:
 (I took that photo!  Fame at last) 

Apparently his mother and aunt both make lace, but Eve said he didn't seem 
to know the basics such as that bobbins were called bobbins.

Anyway, the new room is an enormous improvement on the much smaller and 
upstairs room that was used for the Museum Exhibitions previously.  Much more 
accessible.  As you can see on the photo, it is open all day Fridays, and 
other days by appointment.  Rosemary the Librarian is also there on Fridays so 
if you visit you can look at all the books and pick her brains.  Note that 
the Library is an upstairs room.

The current exhibition is "Ten Years of Aquisitions", and many of the items 
have been selected by the Museum Volunteers as their favourites donated 
during that time.  The exhibition changes about every three months, and details 
can be found on the Guild website  under 

On the Museum and Library page is a lovely photo showing one of the runs of 
new display cabinets, and also a link to the Gallery which has some close 
ups of other lace in the collection - currently Point Ground.

Related to the collections, don't forget that if you are a Lace Guild 
member they will send you a photo of a piece of lace from the collection every 
month, if you join the (completely free) "Artifact of the Month Club".   
Contact the Hollies for details.

Jacquie in Lincolnshire

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