My friend made a round tablecloth. The instructions on the outside ring listed
the wrong number of repeats. It was too small by one repeat when she tried to
assemble the rings. She had to cut it open next to the start/finish line,
remove the old tie-off threads, wind and sew on a new set in the loops of the
start, and make a couple repeats. This then required the overlap method of
finishing to attach the new section to the old neatly. She had no choice of
method since this ring had to fit around the previous ring on the cloth.

If you stretch/shrink the lace to fit, it will revert to the original size
when it's washed. You have two choices to make it look good. One is to do as
listed above, and make another repeat. The other is to  cut the long side,
overlap the edges one repeat worth, and sew together in the overlap method.
Since both methods will require the same type of overlap finishing, it would
be faster to shorten the long side instead of making more lace to lengthen the
short side. It depends on the item you are putting the lace on, which way
would be best. Do you need the full length of the long side?  Or will the
shorter length work?
Best wishes to the project.
Alice in Oregon -- where it's gray, no sun, just fog all day.

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