>Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>She can't be forced to testify against him in a criminal trial, I don't
>think the same applies in a civil trial. Also that law is not enforce in
>all states anymore about testifying against a spouse.

I am surprised at that, Kathy.

The question about executive privilege for Hillary concerns Sidney
Blumenthal refusing to talk about conversations with Hillary on claims of
executive privilege even though Hillary is not even a government employee.
The claims get more and more bizarre, more and more majestic.

>If he tries to claim executive privilege he can say good-bye to an sort
>of public life after his presidency is over, and possibly to the
>presidency its self, it's political suicide to claim EP.

Polls, for now, tell an entirely different story.

>Also there is
>no way that Hillary should qualify under this at all.

Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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