
Hi, I started a new thread in order to summarize the comments about
a "Help System" or "Help File Format" for Lazarus, or even FPC.

Sorry, but I think the "Re: [lazarus] New help doc format?" thread
was getting to big, and focused in "how to implement a help system",
and forgot the "what does a help system has to do".

I already have the same problems with Delphi or Kylix,
AS WELL AS MANY OF YOU and have to deal with the same topics:

Lazarus Help System Requirements

1. Cross Platform

Windowze has 2 help system versions ("*.hlp" files and "*.chm" files).

Un*x based systems have "man" (doesn't have links, discarted, sorry).

I heard that *Linux (GNU/Linux, and others) doesn't have one.

It seems to me that many of you use Lazarus as a "Delphi Just for Linux",
instead of "Alternative to Delphi available in several platforms".

But the point is that there are several ports (Mac, mobile, *BSD),
amd also, several of us HAVE TO WORK WITH Windowze and Linux,
at the same time, and that ALSO APPLIES to the help system.

A true "Cross-Platform Help System" must be available in SEVERAL

A "fast and dirty" solution could be to use a "source file format", (HTML,
XML, perhaps ?)
and "compile" it into an existing "destination native file format"
("*.hlp" or database file)
that it's displayed in existing, maybe "propertary", help viewers.

The other ("slow and clean") solution,
create a whole new file format (Small Database/XML based ?)
and built new help viewers.

2. Offline

Many of us doesn't have or can't have Internet on the work or school.

Wiki pages and HMTL files on the web are great,
but we still need to have a help system that can be used on
our home PC.

Yes, I know we can have local HTML files.

In case we use HTML or XML files for the help system,
we need to take this on consideration.

3. Localization

Some of us doesn't use English as our every day
work language or even have to work with several languages
at the same time...

So the help system have to be localizated.

"Quick and fast solution", use a "source help file"
and traslated to other languages.

4. Open Standard and Open Source

I found, once, a help system that worked
on Linux, (http://www.helpblocks.com/), but was proprietary,
and doesn't solve the other requirements problems.

Third-Party modules (librarys, units) may be necessary,
even if they're difficult to use,
but they must be open source also.

So, the file format must be an "Open Standard".



Please feel free to add any missing requirement.

Just my 2 cents.

Marco Aurelio Ramirez Carrillo

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