On Wed, 10 May 2006 21:38:18 +0200
darekM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Nothing personal.
> > We need to make sure, that no useless properties are added to the LCL
> > only to let .dfm load with lesser errors or some Delphi code gives less
> > errors.
> >   
> Why not. 

First of all: Lazarus is beta and we want to achieve 1.0. Every published
property should work or at least be documented why it can't be implemented
Second: If we add an unimplemented publish property then we can go directly
to the bugtracker and add it as bug. Otherwise people will do it. They
always did that.
Third: We will not add all Delphi 2005 properties, just because we will
likely implement them in a few years anyway. We add them, when we implement
them. At least partly.

> Programs are build step by step. Better is add something to 
> avoid some of compiling errors now, and in future make progress on it. 
> If we investigate all LCL (or even VCL) we found some places that seems 
> unnecessary. Of course is very important to avoid slowness and huge 
> memory consumption. I've been resist to add not useless field to 
> tMemoItem, but tPopupMenu is different. Nobody have more than 1000 
> menus, but tMemoItem are many more.
> > Every added property must be implemented and work on almost all
> > platforms.
> Are you sure, that every property  work "on almost all platforms". When 
> some of us make property to one platform,
> others must wait until somebody implement it on second (third...) 
> platform. How to add new property working on all platforms at once.

Add them public and publish them when they work on almost all platforms.

> > And publish properties when they work. 
> >   
> Maybe PUBLIC will enough in my patch. (I don't understand difference 
> between PUBLIC and PUBLISHED.

Published means they are visible in the object inspector and are used by

We can add the property as public if you promise to implement it next week
for at least one widgetset.


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