
I was implementing TMenu for Qt, when I got a little confused by
component arrays.

On the file menu.inc I see this:

procedure TMenu.CreateHandle;
var i: integer;
 FItems.Handle := TWSMenuClass(WidgetSetClass).CreateHandle(Self);
 // initiate creation of subitems
 // Note: FItems is a TMenuItem. Using HandleNeeded will create all subitems.
 for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do
   if Items[i].Visible then

And here is how Items is declared on this class:

   FItems: TMenuItem;
   property Items: TMenuItem read FItems;

My doubts are:

1 ) Can I just take a property and use it as an array like that??
Shouldn't that property be declared like this:

   property Items[Index: Integer]: TMenuItem read FItems;

2) And if it was declared like above, shouldn't FItems be an array of
TMenuItem ?

Are TComponent descendents naturally arrayable or something like that?

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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